Why did some Texans choose to support the Union in the Civil War?

A. They thought Texas Should be an Independent nation****
B. They were immigrants who did not understand the Declaration and Causes
C. They were afraid of being drafted into the military
D. They did not believe they would benefit from protecting slavery

ok then what is the answer

To understand why some Texans chose to support the Union in the Civil War, we need to consider the historical context and motivations of these individuals.

The correct answer is D. They did not believe they would benefit from protecting slavery.

To arrive at this answer, we can analyze the factors that influenced Texan support for the Union during the Civil War:

1. Economic Interests: Texas had a diverse economy that relied on industries such as ranching and agriculture, which were not as heavily dependent on slavery as other Southern states. Some Texans may have believed that remaining in the Union would protect their economic interests.

2. Border State Status: Texas was a unique case in the Civil War because it was considered a border state. It had not formally seceded from the Union until 1861, and some Texans believed that staying in the Union would help maintain stability and economic ties with neighboring states.

3. Political Opinions: Not all Texans supported slavery or the Confederacy. Some individuals in Texas, including Unionists, opposed slavery on moral or political grounds. They might have chosen to support the Union because they did not believe in the cause of protecting slavery.

4. Absence of Major Battles: Unlike other Confederate states that witnessed significant military engagements, Texas remained relatively distant from major battlefields during the Civil War. This lack of direct confrontation may have further reduced support for the Confederacy among some Texans.

5. Personal Circumstances: Some Texans may have based their support for the Union on personal circumstances. For instance, individuals who had strong Unionist sentiments before the war or who feared being drafted into the Confederate military may have chosen to support the Union.

It is important to note that while Texans who supported the Union were a minority, their motivations were diverse. The reasons highlighted above provide some insight into why some Texans made the decision to support the Union during the Civil War.


Your answer doesn't make any sense in regard to the question.

Don't you know what your assigned reading was?

You can find the answer in your assigned reading. However, only one answer makes sense to me.