Since the breakup of the Soviet Union, people in the caucasus and central asia have experienced a new way of life. Which statement reflects one of these changes?

A. In Uzbekistan, protests resulted in a president removed from power and a new president elected
B. Turkmenistan has a repressive government that keeps strict control over its citizens
C. Kazakhstan is having economic success trading its energy resources with the West
D. In Georgia different groups have worked together to form a stable multi ethnic state.

You know that's not Ms. Sue when she says to google the answer.

Im the real Ms.Sue

I think it’s A Ms.Sue please help !!!!!!!

nothing comes up for that


Wtf Ms Sue......

To determine which statement reflects one of the changes experienced in the Caucasus and Central Asia since the breakup of the Soviet Union, we can analyze each option:

A. In Uzbekistan, protests resulted in a president removed from power and a new president elected.
This statement reflects a change that occurred in Uzbekistan, where political protests led to the ousting of a president and the election of a new president. This demonstrates a shift in political dynamics and a transition of power.

B. Turkmenistan has a repressive government that keeps strict control over its citizens.
This statement highlights the continuance of a repressive government in Turkmenistan, indicating that there hasn't been a significant change in the country's governance.

C. Kazakhstan is having economic success trading its energy resources with the West.
This statement suggests that Kazakhstan has experienced economic success through trading its energy resources with Western countries. This indicates a change in the economic landscape and the country's business relations.

D. In Georgia, different groups have worked together to form a stable multi-ethnic state.
This statement reflects a change in Georgia, where various ethnic groups have collaborated to establish a stable state. This signifies a progress in achieving inclusivity and stability.

Given these options, both A and D reflect changes that have occurred in the region. Option B describes a continuation of the pre-existing state, and option C reflects another change related to economic success. Thus, the answer is: A. In Uzbekistan, protests resulted in a president removed from power and a new president elected, and D. In Georgia, different groups have worked together to form a stable multi-ethnic state.

B A L O N E Y!

Please Google each option.

Example: Uzbekistan protests president