Ok, so I didn't do well on this test and I was wondering if I could know the correct answers to study more about them. I will tell you the answer I chose(which is the incorrect one) The ones with *** are incorrect.

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
The quotation above can most accurately be seen as a response to _____________

***King George III’s policy of granting charters to colonial governments

An economic boycott of American goods by British tradesmen

France’s victory in the French-and-Indian War and Britain’s ceding of territory

Which of the dates is significant because it witnessed the establishment of the United States of America as a constitutional republic functioning under three branches of government?


1781 ( I think this one is correct )

*** 1776


any of the grievances the colonists had with Great Britain and laid out in the Declaration of Independence were addressed and rectified in _______________.

The case of Marbury v. Madison

***George Washington’s Farewell Address

The First Amendment

The Monroe Doctrine

reat Britain’s policy of taxing the American colonists without allowing American representation

This battle, which took place before the Declaration of Independence was adopted by the Continental Congress, served to convince British commanders that the American forces would not be easily conquered or subdued:
Bunker Hill




on the last one I chose yorktown and it was incorrect

Ms. Sue I am asking these questions because I didn't have them in my notes to check. I needed these by tonight at 7 and I don't have too much time to go back into the lessons. I did gym all day. That's why I was asking these and for the answers. For the first question I missed

Great Britain’s policy of taxing the American colonists without allowing American representation

You people need to stop cheating! Cheating is wrong! Look in your books or notes or whatever you have!! STOP CHEATING!

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To find the correct answers to these questions, you can refer to your study materials, textbooks, class notes, or online resources.

1. The correct answer to the first question is France’s victory in the French-and-Indian War and Britain’s ceding of territory. This is because the quotation is a response to the need for the American colonies to separate from their political ties with Britain after the French victory in the war, which changed the balance of power and allowed the colonies to pursue independence.

2. The correct answer to the second question is 1787. This is because in 1787, the United States Constitution was drafted and the country transitioned to a constitutional republic with three branches of government.

3. The correct answer to the third question is none of the grievances the colonists had with Great Britain and laid out in the Declaration of Independence were addressed and rectified. This is because the case of Marbury v. Madison, George Washington’s Farewell Address, the First Amendment, and the Monroe Doctrine did not directly address or rectify the grievances outlined in the Declaration of Independence.

4. The correct answer to the fourth question is Bunker Hill. This battle, fought on June 17, 1775, was one of the early engagements of the American Revolutionary War and showed the British commanders that the American forces would not be easily defeated.

By using your study materials, you can review the correct answers to these questions and understand the reasoning behind them, which will help you study for future tests and improve your performance.

The best place to find these answers is to study your assigned reading.

Btw -- you've omitted one of the choices for the first question.

The best place to find these answers is to study your assigned reading.