Vincent went to a pizza restaurant. A vegetable pizza costs $8 and a chicken pizza costs $12. Find an inequality to determine the number of pizzas he can buy along with one vegetable pizza if he has $140 to spend.

Paul sells medical equipment. Each week he earns $240 plus a commission equal to 6% of his sales. This week his goal is to earn not less than $600. Write and solve an inequality to find the amount of sales he must have to reach his goal.

1. (140 - 8 ) - 12x => 0.

-12x => -132,
X =< 11 Chicken pizzas.

Note: When dividing or multiplying by a negative number, the inequality
sign is reversed.

2. 240 + 0.06*x => 600.

X => ?

To find the inequality to determine the number of pizzas Vincent can buy along with one vegetable pizza, we need to consider the costs of the pizzas and the total amount Vincent has to spend.

Let's denote the number of vegetable pizzas as "v" and the number of chicken pizzas as "c". According to the given information, the vegetable pizza costs $8, and Vincent has $140 to spend.

The inequality can be expressed as follows:

8v + 12c + 8 ≤ 140.

The left-hand side of the inequality represents the total cost of the pizzas Vincent wants to buy. The inequality shows that the total cost of pizzas, including the one vegetable pizza, should be less than or equal to $140, which is the total amount Vincent has to spend.