how would you determine the relative density of kerosene using a relative density bottle

To determine the relative density of kerosene using a relative density bottle, you can follow these steps:

1. Obtain a clean and dry relative density bottle. This is a specialized glass bottle with a narrow neck and a stopper, designed for determining the relative density of liquids.

2. Weigh the empty relative density bottle on a balance and record its mass.

3. Fill the bottle with a known volume of water. Make sure to completely fill the bottle without any air bubbles.

4. Weigh the bottle filled with water and record its mass.

5. Empty and rinse the bottle thoroughly, ensuring there is no leftover water.

6. Fill the bottle with a known volume of kerosene. Again, make sure to fill the bottle completely without any air bubbles.

7. Weigh the bottle filled with kerosene and record its mass.

8. Calculate the relative density of kerosene using the following formula:
Relative Density = (mass of kerosene / mass of water) x 100

By comparing the relative density of kerosene to that of water (which is approximately 1), you can determine how dense the kerosene is relative to water. If the relative density is less than 1, the kerosene is less dense than water and will float on its surface. If the relative density is greater than 1, the kerosene is denser than water and will sink.