3. You begin with one cell that contains twelve chromosomes. This cell undergoes one mitotic division (you need to know the end result of mitosis to get this answer right).

a. How many cells will you end up with after the cell divides? (1 point)

b. How many chromosomes will be in each of the cells when the division is complete? (1 point)

4. You begin with one cell that contains four chromosomes. This cell undergoes meiotic division (you need to know the end result of meiosis to get this answer right).

a. How many cells will you end up with after the cell divides? (1 point)

b. How many chromosomes will be in each of the cells? (1 point)

5. Which of the two cell reproduction processes that we learned about in this lesson is the one that is necessary for sexual reproduction? (1 point)

6. Why does meiosis increase genetic variation in the offspring, but mitosis does not? (1 point)

i need help on these 4 questions. pls?

im stumped, idk anything bout dis stuff.

When they need help they need help no matter what! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Of course! I'd be happy to help you with these questions. Let's go through each one step by step:

3. You begin with one cell that contains twelve chromosomes. This cell undergoes one mitotic division.

a. To determine the number of cells you will end up with after the division, you need to know that mitosis results in the formation of two identical daughter cells. So, after one mitotic division, you will end up with 2 cells.

b. To find out how many chromosomes will be in each of the cells when the division is complete, you need to recall that mitosis involves the replication and division of chromosomes. As a result, each daughter cell will have the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell. Therefore, each of the two cells will have twelve chromosomes.

4. You begin with one cell that contains four chromosomes. This cell undergoes meiotic division.

a. Meiosis involves two rounds of division. In the first round, the cell undergoes meiosis I and divides into two cells. Then, in the second round, each of the two cells resulting from meiosis I undergoes meiosis II, resulting in a total of four cells. Therefore, you will end up with four cells after the meiotic division.

b. During meiosis, the DNA is halved. This means that each cell resulting from meiosis will have half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell. Since the starting cell had four chromosomes, each of the four cells resulting from meiotic division will have two chromosomes.

5. The cell reproduction process necessary for sexual reproduction is meiosis. During meiosis, specialized cells called gametes (sperm and egg cells) are produced. These gametes have half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell, allowing for the combination of genetic material from two individuals during fertilization. This mixing of genetic material leads to genetic variation in the offspring.

6. Meiosis increases genetic variation in the offspring, while mitosis does not, for two main reasons:

- Independent assortment: During meiosis I, homologous chromosomes pair up and separate randomly, resulting in a mix of paternal and maternal chromosomes in the daughter cells. This random assortment increases genetic diversity in the gametes produced.
- Crossing over: During meiosis I, segments of DNA can be exchanged between homologous chromosomes, resulting in the exchange of genetic material. This further increases genetic variation as it results in new combinations of alleles.

On the other hand, mitosis is a process of cell division that produces genetically identical daughter cells. There are no mechanisms for genetic recombination or independent assortment, so the genetic information remains the same in the daughter cells as in the parent cell.

I hope this helps you understand and answer the questions correctly! If you have any further doubts, feel free to ask.

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