Write y = -0.4x + 0.25 in standard form using integers. please help

multiplying by 20 ... 20y = -8x + 5

8x + 20y - 5 = 0

To convert the given equation, y = -0.4x + 0.25, into standard form (Ax + By = C) using integers, you need to eliminate any decimals. Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Multiply both sides of the equation by 100 to remove the decimals:
100y = 100(-0.4x + 0.25)

100y = -40x + 25

Step 2: Rearrange the equation so that the x-term comes before the y-term:
40x + 100y = 25

(Note: I multiplied each term by 100 in step 1, so the coefficient of x became positive 40 instead of negative 0.4. Likewise, the 0.25 became 25 due to multiplication by 100.)

Therefore, the standard form of the equation y = -0.4x + 0.25 in integers is:
40x + 100y = 25