What was the Incan mita system?

labor as payment for taxes++

a method of counting

the division of land among government, priests, and the people

the Incan social system

The correct answer is A right

Right, again! :-)


The Incan mita system was a labor system used by the Inca Empire as a form of payment for taxes. To understand what the Incan mita system was, we can break it down into two parts: the Inca Empire and the concept of mita itself.

The Inca Empire was a powerful pre-Columbian civilization that existed in South America from the 13th century until the Spanish conquest in the 16th century. The Incas established a vast empire that spanned various regions, including modern-day Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, and parts of Chile, Argentina, and Colombia.

Within this empire, the Incas developed a unique system known as the mita system. The concept of mita revolved around organizing and utilizing labor effectively throughout the empire. It was a significant part of the Incan economic and social structure.

Under the mita system, labor served as payment for taxes. The Inca government would require a certain number of laborers from each community or region to work on various projects, such as agricultural tasks, construction of infrastructure, and mining. These projects were crucial for the functioning and development of the Inca Empire.

The allocation of labor through the mita system was carefully organized and enforced by Incan authorities. Each community or region was responsible for providing a specific number of laborers, typically based on their population size and productivity. The laborers would fulfill their mita obligation for a certain period, usually a year. They would then return to their regular occupations or activities once their mita duty was completed.

The mita system was not only a means of taxation but also served other purposes in the Incan society. It helped maintain social order, promote communal harmony, and ensure the provision of essential services and infrastructure throughout the empire.

In summary, the Incan mita system was a labor system used by the Inca Empire as a form of payment for taxes. It involved the allocation of laborers from each community or region to work on various projects determined by the Incan government. This system played a significant role in sustaining the economic and social structure of the Inca Empire.

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