Emily is creating a website and has prepared her text in RGB, but she wants to use another color model that is the standard for colored text on a screen. Which color model would be best for Emily to use?

I know the answer is NOT B). Is the answer A).?

Yes it is

Yes, the answer is A) hexadecimal.

Explanation: RGB stands for Red, Green, Blue, and is a color model that is commonly used for digital displays. It represents colors by combining different intensities of these primary colors. However, for web design and displaying colored text on screens, a more widely used color model is hexadecimal.

Hexadecimal, often referred to as hex, is a color model that represents colors using a combination of six digits or letters. Each pair of digits represents the intensity of red, green, and blue in a color, respectively. It is widely supported by HTML and CSS, which are the standard languages for creating websites.

To convert RGB values to hexadecimal, you can follow these steps:

1. Convert the intensity values of red, green, and blue to their hexadecimal equivalents. For example, if Emily's text color in RGB is (255, 0, 128), the hexadecimal equivalent for red (255) is FF, for green (0) is 00, and for blue (128) is 80.

2. Combine the hexadecimal values of red, green, and blue to form a six-digit hex code. In Emily's case, the hex code would be FF0080.

By using the hexadecimal color model, Emily can easily specify the desired color for her text on a website.