Given: ΔАВС, m∠ACB = 90°

, m∠ACD = 30°
AC = 6 cm.
Find: BD

who else is in RSM

AD = 9 cm. I entered it and it is correct.

Here is the rest:

PART 3Use ratio of cos to find ABcos of an angle = side adjacent to the angle / hypotenuse
Look at ΔABCcos of an angle = side adjacent to the angle / hypotenusecos ∠CAB = AC/ABcos 60° = 12/AB1/2 = 12/ABAB/2 = 12AB = 12 × 2AB = 24The length of AB is 24 cm
Find BD
BD = AB - AD
BD = 24 - 6
BD = 18
The length of BD is 18 cm

Yes, this is an rsm question, 9 is the correct answer trust

How did you get that?

It should be easy to see that you have 3 similar triangles of

the form 30-60-90° which have sides in the ratio 1 : √3 : 2
in ΔACD , CD/AC = √3/2
CD/6 = √3/2
CD = 3√3

in ΔBDC, BD/CD = √3/1
BD/3√3 = √3/1
BD = 9


a year later andd i neeeded this soooo much thx

We prob in the same class since you posted that 8 min ago lmfao

In △ABC, m∠ACB=90°, m∠ACD=60°,

is the altitude to
, and BD = 5 cm. Find AD.
AD Is 15

Hope this helps.


Use ratio of sin to find AC
sin of an angle = side in front of the angle / hypotenuse
Look at ΔACD
cos of an angle = side in front of the angle / hypotenuse
cos 30° = AD/AC
1/2 = 6/AC
AC/2 = 6
AC = 6 × 2
AC = 12
The length of AC is 12 cm
Find the measure of ∠CAD
∠CAD + ∠ACD + ∠ADC = 180°
∠CAD + 30° + 90° = 180°
∠CAD + 120° = 180°
∠CAD = 180° - 120°
∠CAD = 60°
∠CAB = 60°

Yu are all wong the rght anser is 15 because 1 + 3= 6