Which of the following describes the pathway that the nerve impulses travel while throwing a baseball

It’s A

What about the answer's?

She is wrong to all of you or me

What is the answer???

the answers of this question are:

A. motor neuron-->spinal cord-->sensory neuron-->muscles
B. sensory neuron-->spinal cord-->motor neuron-->muscles
C. motor neuron-->brain-->sensory neuron-->muscles
D. sensory neuron-->brain-->motor neuron-->muscles

The answer is B. sensory neurons-->spinal cord-->motor neurons-->muscles
Your Welcome Fellow Classmates!
Hopes this helps!!

Ok is she right ???

its a

I think its A or B i'm not 100% sure.

To understand the pathway that nerve impulses travel while throwing a baseball, it's important to have some knowledge of the nervous system and the process of throwing. The pathway involves various parts of the brain, spinal cord, and muscles. Let's break it down step by step:

1. Initiation: The process of throwing a baseball begins with the decision made by the brain to execute the movement. This decision is made in the motor cortex, a region of the brain responsible for voluntary muscle movements.

2. Signal Transmission: Once the decision is made, the motor cortex sends signals through the nervous system to initiate the movement. These signals travel as electrical impulses along specialized cells called neurons.

3. Motor Neurons: The electrical impulses from the motor cortex are transmitted to the spinal cord through a bundle of nerve fibers called the corticospinal tract. These fibers pass through the brainstem and continue down into the spinal cord.

4. Reflex Loop: Within the spinal cord, some of the nerve fibers synapse with interneurons which initiate a reflex loop. This reflex allows for quick and automatic muscle adjustments during the throwing motion, improving the accuracy and efficiency of the throw.

5. Spinal Cord Integration: The signals then continue through the spinal cord and are routed to the appropriate muscles involved in the throwing motion. This involves the coordinated activation of several muscle groups, including those in the arm, shoulder, and torso.

6. Peripheral Nerves: From the spinal cord, the nerve impulses travel through peripheral nerves, which are bundles of nerve fibers that extend from the spinal cord to the muscles. These nerves carry the signals from the spinal cord to the target muscles responsible for the specific movements required to throw a baseball.

7. Muscle Activation: Finally, the nerve impulses reach the target muscles, causing them to contract and generate the necessary force to propel the baseball forward. The specific muscles involved in the throwing motion include the deltoids, triceps, biceps, pectorals, and others.

Overall, the pathway that nerve impulses travel while throwing a baseball involves a complex interplay between the brain, spinal cord, and muscles. This coordinated network ensures that the movements required to throw a baseball are executed accurately and efficiently.
