What is one development in medicine that has occurred because of new surgical techniques?

A. More people die during long surgical procedures.
B. Transplants of organs have become more common.
C. Fewer people are opting for major surgeries.
D. Too many people are attending school to become surgeons.

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I think its B. Am I right?

Yes, B.

Thank you!

You're welcome.

The answer to the question "What is one development in medicine that has occurred because of new surgical techniques?" is B. Transplants of organs have become more common.

To arrive at this answer, we need to understand the impact of new surgical techniques on the field of medicine. New surgical techniques have significantly advanced the capabilities of surgeons, allowing them to perform complex procedures with higher success rates and improved patient outcomes. As a result, one notable development in medicine is the increased prevalence of organ transplants.

Organ transplantation involves removing a healthy organ from a donor and implanting it into a recipient who has a failing or damaged organ. This life-saving procedure is made possible by surgical techniques that allow for precise extraction of organs from the donor and their transplantation into the recipient. Newer surgical techniques have enhanced the success rates of organ transplants, making them more common and accessible for patients in need.

Therefore, the correct option is B. Transplants of organs have become more common.