Compound has a molar mass of 283.89 g.mol^-1 and the following composition:

Phosphorus: 43.64%

Oxygen: 56.36%

Write the molecular formula of X.

Well, to determine the molecular formula of X, we need to first calculate the empirical formula.

Let's start by assuming we have 100g of the compound. Based on the given percentages, we have 43.64g of phosphorus and 56.36g of oxygen.

Now, let's convert these amounts into moles. The molar mass of phosphorus (P) is 30.97 g/mol, and the molar mass of oxygen (O) is 16.00 g/mol.

So, for phosphorus, we have 43.64 g / 30.97 g/mol = 1.41 mol of P.

And for oxygen, we have 56.36 g / 16.00 g/mol = 3.52 mol of O.

Next, we need to find the simplest whole-number ratio between phosphorus and oxygen. By dividing both numbers by the smaller one, which is 1.41 mol, we get approximately 1 mol of P and 2.5 mol of O.

Since we can't have a fraction as a subscript in a molecular formula, we need to multiply both numbers by 2 to get whole numbers. So, we have 2 moles of P and 5 moles of O.

Therefore, our empirical formula is P₂O₅.

To find the molecular formula, we need to know the molar mass of the compound X. Given that it is 283.89 g/mol, we can calculate how many empirical formula units are in one molecule of the compound.

So, the molar mass of the empirical formula (P₂O₅) is 30.97 g/mol (P₂) + 16.00 g/mol (O₅) = 142.97 g/mol.

To find the ratio between the molecular formula and the empirical formula, we divide the molar mass of the compound (283.89 g/mol) by the molar mass of the empirical formula (142.97 g/mol).

So, 283.89 g/mol / 142.97 g/mol = 1.98.

Since we need whole numbers, let's round it to the nearest whole number. So, the ratio is approximately 2.

Finally, we multiply the empirical formula by 2 to get the molecular formula: P₂O₅ x 2 = P₄O₁₀.

Therefore, the molecular formula of X is P₄O₁₀. Now, that's a mouthful! Just remember, I'm here if you ever need a clown to help lighten the mood.

To find the molecular formula of compound X, we need to determine the empirical formula first. The empirical formula represents the simplest ratio of the atoms present in the compound.

1. Start by assuming we have 100g of compound X. This assumption makes it easier to calculate percentages.

2. Convert the percentage of each element to grams. Here's the breakdown:

Phosphorus: 43.64 g (43.64% of 100g)

Oxygen: 56.36 g (56.36% of 100g)

3. Convert the grams of each element into moles by dividing the mass by the molar mass:

Molar mass of P = 30.97 g/mol
Molar mass of O = 16.00 g/mol

Moles of P = 43.64 g / 30.97 g/mol ≈ 1.41 mol
Moles of O = 56.36 g / 16.00 g/mol ≈ 3.52 mol

4. Divide the number of moles of each element by the smallest number of moles:

P:O ratio = 1.41 mol : 3.52 mol

Divide both values by 1.41 to simplify the ratio:
1.41 mol / 1.41 mol ≈ 1 mol
3.52 mol / 1.41 mol ≈ 2.5 mol

The ratio becomes approximately 1:2.5.

5. Since we cannot have a fraction in a molecular formula, we multiply all the subscripts by 2:

2P:5O ratio = 2:5

Thus, the empirical formula of compound X is P2O5.

Note: The molecular formula of compound X could also be P4O10 or any other multiple of the empirical formula, as long as the ratio remains the same.

To determine the molecular formula of compound X, we need to first find its empirical formula and then calculate the number of empirical formula units in one molecule of the compound. The molecular formula represents the actual number of atoms in one molecule of the compound.

To find the empirical formula, we need to convert the percentages of each element in the compound to the corresponding number of moles. We assume that we have 100 grams of compound X, so we can easily convert the percentages to grams to make calculations easier.

1. Phosphorus (P):
Using the percentage given as 43.64%, we can calculate the mass of phosphorus in 100 grams of compound X:
(43.64/100) * 100 = 43.64 grams of P

2. Oxygen (O):
Using the percentage given as 56.36%, we can calculate the mass of oxygen in 100 grams of compound X:
(56.36/100) * 100 = 56.36 grams of O

Next, we convert the masses of each element to moles by dividing them by their respective molar masses.

1. Phosphorus (P):
Molar mass of P = 30.97 g/mol (from the periodic table)
Number of moles of P = Mass of P / Molar mass of P = 43.64 g / 30.97 g/mol = 1.408 mol

2. Oxygen (O):
Molar mass of O = 16.00 g/mol (from the periodic table)
Number of moles of O = Mass of O / Molar mass of O = 56.36 g / 16.00 g/mol = 3.523 mol

After finding the number of moles of each element, we divide each value by the smallest value. In this case, the smallest value is 1.408 (from the phosphorus).

Dividing the number of moles by the smallest value gives us the simplest whole-number ratio of atoms in the compound.

1.408 mol / 1.408 mol = 1 (rounded to the nearest whole number)
3.523 mol / 1.408 mol = 2.5 (rounded to the nearest whole number)

Since we can't have fractions in a molecular formula, we need to multiply each ratio by 2 to make them both whole numbers:

1 * 2 = 2
2.5 * 2 = 5

The empirical formula for this compound is P2O5. However, this is the simplest ratio of atoms in the compound, and the actual molecule may contain more atoms. To find the molecular formula, we need to determine the ratio between the empirical formula mass and the molar mass of the compound X.

Step 1: Calculate the empirical formula mass of P2O5:
Empirical formula mass = (2 * molar mass of P) + (5 * molar mass of O)
Empirical formula mass = (2 * 30.97 g/mol) + (5 * 16.00 g/mol)
Empirical formula mass = 61.94 g/mol + 80.00 g/mol
Empirical formula mass = 141.94 g/mol

Step 2: Calculate the ratio between the molar mass and the empirical formula mass:
Ratio = molar mass / empirical formula mass
Ratio = 283.89 g/mol / 141.94 g/mol
Ratio = 2

The ratio between the molar mass and the empirical formula mass is 2. This means that the molecular formula of compound X is twice the empirical formula.

So the molecular formula of compound X is (P2O5)2, which simplifies to P4O10.

P atoms ... 283.89 * .4364 / (P atomic mass)

O works the same way