Which of these sentences contains a error in verb usage

What are the options?

omg yall dont help

To determine which of these sentences contains an error in verb usage, you'll need to review the sentences provided. Pay close attention to the verbs and their usage in each sentence. Here are the sentences for your examination:

1. She runs every morning before work.
2. They is going to the movies this evening.
3. We have eat dinner already.
4. He don't like vegetables.
5. I am going to the store to buy some groceries.

Now, let's analyze each sentence individually to identify the error in verb usage:

1. Sentence 1: "She runs every morning before work." - This sentence is grammatically correct. There is no error in verb usage.

2. Sentence 2: "They is going to the movies this evening." - The error in this sentence is the incorrect subject-verb agreement. The subject "they" should take the plural form of the verb "are" instead of the singular form "is." The correct sentence would be: "They are going to the movies this evening."

3. Sentence 3: "We have eat dinner already." - The error in this sentence is the incorrect verb use. The word "have" should be followed by the base form of the verb, which is "eaten" in this case. The correct sentence would be: "We have eaten dinner already."

4. Sentence 4: "He don't like vegetables." - The error in this sentence is the incorrect verb form. The word "don't" is the contraction of "do not," which should be used with plural subjects. For singular subjects like "he," the correct verb form is "doesn't." The correct sentence would be: "He doesn't like vegetables."

5. Sentence 5: "I am going to the store to buy some groceries." - This sentence is grammatically correct. There is no error in verb usage.

Therefore, the sentences with errors in verb usage are Sentence 2: "They is going to the movies this evening." and Sentence 4: "He don't like vegetables."