You go to Toronto for vacation! Temperature is displayed in Celsius in Canada. You decide to transform the Celsius formula into Fahrenheit since that is what you are used to in the United States. C = 5/9 (F - 32). Transform this formula into a formula for F = ________. I need help fast!


To transform the Celsius formula into a formula for Fahrenheit (F), we need to isolate F on one side of the equation.

Start with the given Celsius formula:
C = (5/9)(F - 32)

To isolate F, we need to undo the operations in reverse order.

First, multiply both sides of the equation by 9/5 to cancel out the (5/9) fraction:
(9/5)C = F - 32

Next, add 32 to both sides of the equation to cancel out the -32:
(9/5)C + 32 = F

Therefore, the formula for F is:
F = (9/5)C + 32

So, when you want to convert the temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit, you can use this formula.

The temperature in Toronto at noon during a winter day measured 4°C. The temperature started dropping 2° every hour. Which inequality can be used to find the number of hours, x, after which the temperature will measure below -3°C?

C = 5 / 9 ( F - 32 )

Multiply both sides by 9

9 C = 5 ( F - 32 )

Divide both sides by 5
9 / 5 C = F - 32

Add 32 to both sides

9 / 5 C + 32 = F - 32 + 32

9 / 5 C + 32 = F

F = 9 / 5 C + 32

First multiply both sides by 9/5 as this will clear out the fraction from the right hand side.

9/5(C)= F - 32
now add 32 to both sides (this will get F all by itself on the right hand side)
(9/5)(C) + 32 = F
And voila! You can live happily in Toronto : )