when that air under the envelope is heated , the balloon lifts . which of the following statement is true

A. hot air balloons use radiation to rise
B. hot air balloons use conduction to rise
C. hot air balloons use convection to rise
D. hot air balloons use air resistance to rise

1. c

2. b
3. c
4. b and c
5. d
6. d
7. c
8. b
9. c
10. c

Susan Is Correct.

For The Science 6B Conductors And Insulators.

Susan is really right!!!!!!!

To Susan, thank you. You know we really do read what we're supposed to but this school is hard. The questions never match what we're reading. Most of care what grade we get.

for connexus the answers are

1. c
2. b
3. c
4. b and c
5. d
6. d
7. c
8. b
9. c
10. c

it has to be one of them , i do connections and it was a multiple choice question

thx susan I got a 100 because of you yay

susaun is sooooo awsome

Thnx Susan 😀😀

up vote me if you like my name

My name

Hello! I am in 6th grade. For Science 6 A Unit 2: Energy, Lesson 9 Conductors and Insulators. All the answers Susan submitted ARE correct!

thanks guys I thought it was C as well but...I got too scared of failing and started doubting myself.. lol

omg I do the same all the time MD...

Thanks Susan, you are the best.


4.B & C

Connexus help and susan are right. :) OuO

Susan is 100% correct for Connexus Lesson 9: Conductors and Insulators Science 8 B Unit 3: Energy(Conductors and Insulators Quiz)

This better be right for 6 grade Inca

ur welcome

thank you susan i just got 100 on my test lol thanks so much ahhhh omg so happy right now

Susan thank you! I got all my overdue science lessons caught up thanks to you <3

susan is correct fo 2020 connexus 8th grage

Thanks susan

Thanks Susan, I was checking my answers. Your the best


none ya is right except for 4.

4 is b & c
i just took the quiz for 8A unit 4 lesson 9: conductors and insulators
hope this helps :)

susan is 100% correct

If y’all scrolled to the bottom like me(8th graders) SUSAN is correct and I put the name in all caps because people need to understand they/she/he/her is not wrong they are RIGHT! (I’m sorry, I don’t know their pronouns)

Yes she is correct but it’s for science 7 B 🙄😑

thanks kokichi

thank you susan

connexus help is right 11/11 100% tysmmm :DD

the answers are correct 2020 thank you

susans right

i got 100% on my quiz thank you so much Susan!
your a grade saver!

is this right for 8th grade or nah

2020. Susan is still correct. Thanks susan

thx susan

Thank You @Susan 11/11 (100.00%)

susan is still right :)

Why are people saying 6th and 7th? this is 8th...

Connexus Help is 100%

B & D
Good Luck
9:33 A.M.


b and c

The only reason why I come to this is so I can get good grades. . . My dad is sorta strict about my grades. . .

Susan is RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Susan" is correct for Lesson 9: Conductors and Insulators

Science 6 B Unit 2: Energy.

As of 3-30-2021 she gave ALL correct answers 10/10 = 100% user her answers!!!!!!

Susan is still correct to this day. I am very surprised that they haven't changed the answers yet lol

susan y connexus help es correcto

i just need the right answer not a whole bunch of guesses

pink be sus right

susan be thy goaat

thanks sooo much everyone and especially to susan as well!! :3

Thanks Susan!! Everybody She is correct!! Add meh! Snapchat @jsteward832

cok and baII torture

Thank you ho.e

I think it might be A??? Idk-

thnx i got a 90.9% wall are awsome i got 7 wrong it was c

You are cheating. you should know the answers and if you get a bad grade, accept it. that means you should pay attention. so stop giving answers. Ms Sue is right

None of the above. Google Archimedes.