.PLZ HELP.Public relations is part of business and administrative support.


If the answer is false, where does public relations belong?

Cardinary is absolutely right.

Alex -- you are responsible for getting so far behind. Only you can catch up.

I'll help you to the extent if you post a few questions and answers, I'll check them.

i dont think they're being intentionally wrong but i just did the test and looked at the answers and yoyo doesn't have it right

they probably just switch up the order of the answers or smth so ill just write them all down
this is for Finance & Business Management Quiz in Career Exploration on Connexus

Bank tellers need a community college degree: false
People in finance work mostly with: money
A tax preparer is part of: financial planning and management
Business management typically requires graduate school: true
Jared helps people plan for retirement so they have enough to live on when theyre old. He is: a financial planner
Melanie assesses risks, both financial and physical. She has a graduate degree. She is: an actuary.
IT stands for information technician: false
Shannon works in a large company. She has a question about an employee insurance benefit. Who does she ask: human resources
If you own a small business, which of the following helps with your finances: accountant
Joshua interviews people and handles employee conflicts. He works in: human resources
If you need a home loan or a small business loan, you'll talk to: a loan officer
Justin has hired someone to handle all of the financial issues for his small business. He hired a: accountant
Jonathan answers phones, prepares documents, and runs errands at the office. What career pathway is he part of: administrative support
Public relations is part of business and administrative support: true

You've got to do them yourself, this isn't a test giving website. No one will do them for you. Ask maybe one or two questions from each lesson but no one will do every single lesson for you.

is the answer false? idk anything about this Ms. Sue

Yeah, Ms. Sue is it false?

she's wrong, its true

So true or false?

the answer is true, brainly has smarter people lmfao

there are more questions

im not sure answers for them

im behind on like 12 lessons can you plz help me on all the answers Ms. Sue?


Just took the test 100% good