Create a visually appealing image that represents the underlying concepts of a Baroque concerto. In the image, there should be four distinct elements: first, an ensemble of instruments signifying the 'concertino', the 'continuo', and the 'ripieno' groupings in a concerto grosso. The image should depict discrepancy in the size of these groups, with 'ripieno' being the largest. Secondly, depict a tempo pattern commonly used in a Baroque concerto, perhaps through a metronome showing fast-slow-fast tempo pattern. Thirdly, envision an illustration of a single instrument dominating the scene, representing a cadenza, a solo passage played by one instrument. Lastly, represent the concept of a 'continuo', perhaps illustrated through bass instruments and a keyboard instrument supporting others. The image should avoid any presence of text.

Which ensemble in the concerto grosso is the largest?

A. concertino
B. continuo**
C. ripieno
D. solo

Which tempo pattern is most common among movements within a Baroque concerto?
A. fast-slow-fast
B. slow-fast-slow**
C. fast-slow-slow
D. fast-fast-slow

What is a cadenza?
A. a solo passage played by one instrument**
B. a passage where all the instruments play together at once
C. a small ensemble of soloists
D. a supportive bass part typically played by one or more bass
instruments and a keyboard instrument

What is a ritornello?
A. a recurring rhythm
B. a recurring theme
C. a recurring harmony**
D. a recurring articulation

What is a continuo?
A. a supportive bass part typically played by one or more bass **
instruments and a keyboard instrument in Baroque music
B. a system of 24 equal major and minor keys
C. a melodic line in Baroque music played by instruments with high
voice ranges
D. a returning theme

Please help if you can thank you !



Thanks bruh

Thanks youngblood


thxx so much*

Thanks yung dug

Thanks man i appreciate it

Ty Sooo!! Much!


(*Φ皿Φ*)(@_@;)o((⊙﹏⊙))o.(~ ̄(OO) ̄)ブ(╬▔皿▔)╯\(@^0^@)/

So am I not gonna get no help ? :(

Grammar mistakes there is supposed to be a space between each period.