Starting with the earliest event at the top, arrange the following events in chronological order. Place the latest event at the bottom.

1. Roman Republic is established.
2. Roman Empire collapses.
3. Roman Empire is divided into Eastern and Western parts.
4. Roman Empire conquers Carthage.

To determine the chronological order of these events, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify any events that have specific dates or time periods associated with them.
In this case, none of the events have specific dates mentioned. However, we can still determine their relative order based on historical knowledge.

Step 2: Consider the events that occurred during the Roman Republic period.
The Roman Republic was established before the Roman Empire, so we can assume that the event "Roman Republic is established" is the earliest event on our list.

Step 3: Consider the events that happened during the Roman Empire period.
Since the Roman Republic comes first, we can conclude that the event "Roman Empire is divided into Eastern and Western parts" occurred after the establishment of the Roman Republic. This division occurred relatively late in the history of the Roman Empire.

Step 4: Analyze the remaining events.
The events "Roman Empire conquers Carthage" and "Roman Empire collapses" both happened during the Roman Empire. However, based on historical knowledge, we know that the Roman Empire conquered Carthage before its eventual collapse.

Step 5: Arrange the events in chronological order.
Based on the above analysis, the correct chronological order of the events is as follows:

1. Roman Republic is established. (Earliest event)
2. Roman Empire conquers Carthage.
3. Roman Empire is divided into Eastern and Western parts.
4. Roman Empire collapses. (Latest event)

1. Roman Republic is established.

4. Roman Empire conquers Carthage.
3. Roman Empire is divided into Eastern and Western parts.
2. Roman Empire collapses.