For this assignment, you will choose a resident of the annex (other than Anne) and rewrite a journal entry from this individual’s perspective.

Your entry should
• Reflect what you have learned about the personality traits and viewpoints of the individual you select.
• Adopt this individual’s perspective, as though you were seeing the world through this individual’s eyes. This should include
1. Use of first-person pronouns (such as I, me, and my) to refer to this individual, not yourself.
2. A tone that realistically reflects how this individual would feel about the subject matter he or she writes about.
• You may select to rewrite one of the following entries:
1. Tuesday, November 17, 1942 or
2. Saturday, March 27, 1943
• Once you have completed your entry, you should write an additional one-paragraph (6–8 sentences) response explaining how the tone of the entry has changed and why you chose to make these changes.

I am tying to do this assignment also but i cant figure it out. its confusing...

To rewrite a journal entry from the perspective of a resident of the annex (other than Anne), you will need to follow these steps:

1. Familiarize yourself with the personality traits and viewpoints of the individual you have selected. Consider their role in the annex, their relationships with others, and any specific characteristics or experiences that would shape their perspective.

2. Choose one of the specified entries (Tuesday, November 17, 1942, or Saturday, March 27, 1943) to rewrite from the individual's perspective.

3. Begin the journal entry by adopting the individual's perspective. Use first-person pronouns ("I," "me," "my") to refer to this individual, rather than yourself as the writer.

4. As you write, strive to convey a tone that realistically reflects how this individual would feel about the subject matter. Consider their emotions, fears, hopes, and frustrations. Think about the challenges they may be facing and the impact those challenges have on their perspective.

5. Ensure that the content of your journal entry aligns with the historical context of the selected date. Research the events of that day to accurately reflect the circumstances and atmosphere of the annex during that time.

After completing your rewritten entry, you should write an additional one-paragraph response explaining how the tone of the entry has changed and why you made these changes. Consider the differences between the original entry (written by Anne) and your rewritten entry (from the perspective of a different resident). Explain how the personality traits and viewpoints of the chosen individual contributed to these changes in tone. Consider the unique perspective of this individual and any significant differences in their experiences, which may result in a shift in tone compared to Anne's perspective.

No one will write an essay for you... Plus, no one knows who the assignment wants you to write about. :/