How are the viewpoints of turkeys urban and rural population likely to differ regarding the role of women in society?

People in rural areas tend to be more conservative.

To understand the different viewpoints of Turkey's urban and rural population regarding the role of women in society, you can follow these steps:

1. Research demographic information: Gather data on the urban and rural population in Turkey. Look for statistics on population distribution, living conditions, and socioeconomic factors in urban and rural areas.

2. Examine cultural context: Consider the cultural and religious influences on Turkish society. For instance, Turkey has a diverse population that includes conservative and secular viewpoints, which can shape opinions about the role of women.

3. Study social norms and values: Identify the prevailing societal norms and values in urban and rural areas. Explore how these norms influence perceptions and expectations regarding the role of women at home, in the workplace, and in public life.

4. Analyze educational opportunities: Investigate differences in educational opportunities between urban and rural areas. Education can significantly impact perspectives on gender equality, as it influences exposure to different ideas and opportunities for women.

5. Access media sources: Examine media representation and coverage of women in urban and rural areas. Identifying any disparities in media portrayals can provide insights into how women are perceived and valued in different contexts.

6. Conduct surveys or interviews: To gain a more nuanced understanding, conduct surveys or interviews with individuals from both urban and rural areas. Ask questions about their beliefs, aspirations, and attitudes towards the role of women in society.

By systematically considering these factors, you can discern how the viewpoints of Turkey's urban and rural population may differ regarding the role of women in society. Keep in mind that individual experiences and opinions may still vary within each group, so it's important to approach the subject with sensitivity and avoid generalizations.