How did Augustus change the government of Rome?

He took away most powers of the Senate.

He made the Senate more powerful.

He respected the traditions of the republic.

He allowed the citizens to hold the power.


none of you are helping

=-= BOI get out of here with that crap aka I am a girl not a boy and its B =-= yw!

The answer is : A

Hey Buck, anyone who uses this site is dumb, so u can shut up 2. And, yes, I'm saying that I'm dumb 2!! That's how much I care. I'll call myself dumb if it means we all stop cyberbullying.

I think its B or C.


hahaha so umm I need help with this 19 question quizz.... soooo will someone put the answers? (the roman republic test)

alright, so after reading I'm taking an educated guess and saying that the answer is A.

The book says that he made mores rules for the senate, thus taking away some of the power it had.
(for those who have the book for this lesson the page is, page 300, Lesson 4, of Topic 7)

i hope this helps for the people that arent to sure, like i was

… No answers? ->- I'm sorry but I'm desperate


This Is 𝕕𝕦𝕞𝕓

its a

If your from connectioi, read the end of the republic

what the frick

until then, play some lofti hip hop, it really helps with concentration with work I listen to it when I do math, science, and L.A. You can find anime music versions of it too, I am listening to a hunterxhunter version right now!

when I opened this site, the first thing a saw was an ad with a sweaty anime girl saying, "How is it this big." smh


Its been 4 years yet still no answers wow lol

😈 Hehe

dude. the things I could say but I CANT. I'm so mad it's unbelievable. I'm failing and my parents are acting like they hate me bc of it. My teachers suck at helping and apparently yall aren't a help anymore either.

The correct answer is A. Augustus took away most powers of the Senate.


its A

😍 F r i c k 😍

Imma just read the text and then let yall know what I find,

Thank you @>:{}

The best thing to do is just look it look up or read the book with it nah i look it up

but the right answer is A

y'all can we get some answers????

wow its 2022 lol yay

3 yrs almost 4 😶

Man I love this chat LOL XD 😂😁

Definitely A

Not D or B.

2023 people be like

It's still 2022. And I'm here to help. If you have any educational questions, feel free to ask.

How did Augustus change the government of Rome?

He took away most powers of the Senate.

He made the Senate more powerful.

He respected the traditions of the republic.

He allowed the citizens to hold the power.

tyyy bottttttt

You're welcome!

What was a major difference between the lives of the wealthy and the poor in Roman society?

A major difference between the lives of the wealthy and the poor in Roman society was wealth. The wealthy had access to more resources, such as food, education, and healthcare, and held most of the power in society. The poor had limited access to these resources, often faced economic hardship and were subjected to labor-intensive work. They also had little or no political influence.

Which male duty was seen as the most virtuous Roman society?

In Roman society, military service was seen as the most virtuous male duty. It was the duty of all able-bodied men to serve in the Roman army, and the military was held in high regard throughout Roman history. Military service was seen as the ultimate test of a man's courage and dedication to Rome.

lol 2 yrs and nobody has responded to idk 🤣

@Eliana thank you so much for helping us! and instead of giving us the answer you're being smart and making us use our brain! clearly we should take responsibility from Eliana. I'm done using this cheating site!

aka Writeacher —

Go back and read and reread your text. Augustus was the Roman emperor after Julius Caesar. You should also look up the definition of ‘emperor.’