An estimate for negative Square Root 66 is _____.

A. – 6
B. – 7
C. – 8
D. – 9

1. C

2. B
3. C
4. C
5. C
Your Welcome

Answers are cbccc for alca

Is it because when you multiply, the answer is bigger Ms. Sue?

It's - √66, and it was 8


So what's the answer

Thank you

To estimate the value of the negative square root of 66, you can use a calculator or a manual approximation method.

One way to estimate the value is by finding the perfect square that is closest to 66. In this case, the perfect square closest to 66 is 64, which equals 8^2. Since we are looking for the negative square root, the estimated value would be -8.

Therefore, the estimate for the negative square root of 66 is C. – 8.

None of those. A minus times a minus is always positive.

If you meant:

- √66, then it would be appr -8 , since -√64 = -8

if you meant:
√-66 , then go with Ms. Sue's answer, of no such real number.