Which of theses sentences contain an error in verb usage?

A) Tim likes to watch the sun rise
B) I rose my hand in class for the first time <-
C) In the summer, I like to lie in the hammock
D) Martha told her friend to lay on the table

Yes, you are right.

Sorry I was done with school, Thank you!

The sentence that contains an error in verb usage is sentence B) "I rose my hand in class for the first time."

To explain how to identify the error, let's break down the sentence:

The verb "rose" is incorrect in this context because "rose" is the past tense of the verb "rise," but it is being used incorrectly in this sentence. The verb "rise" implies that something is moving upward or becoming higher in position, like the sun rising or a person standing up.

In this sentence, the correct verb should be "raised" instead of "rose." The verb "raise" means to lift something or someone, and is used to describe the action of moving one's hand to a higher position.

Therefore, the correct sentence would be:

"I raised my hand in class for the first time."

To avoid this error in verb usage, it is important to understand the difference between "rise" and "raise." "Rise" is an intransitive verb that describes something moving upward on its own, while "raise" is a transitive verb that requires a direct object (in this case, the hand being raised).