How was transportation standardized under the Qin?

A) Roads were the same width.****
B) Carriages were the same height
C) Everyone paid the same road tax
D) Axles of carriages were the same length

Which of these phrases best summarizes Legalism?
A) Harsh laws are needed to keep order in society.****
B) Moral values are the key to social order.
C) Citizens are capable of governing themselves.
D) Educating people leads to a strong society.

What was the purpose of the great wall?
A) to separate warring states****
B) to keep out nomads to the north
C) to standardize Chinese roads
D) to make trade and transportation easier

Why is filial piety the "source of all virtues" in Confucianism?
A) because Confucianism believed it is the model for the four other relationships****
B) because Confucius believed soldiers should be honored for their duty above the family
C) because Confucius believed equality in relationships was the basis for the other four relationships
D) because Confucius believed people should behave properly in order to avoid punishments

can someone please help me with the answers

How would numbering them make it easier???

im ganna band all of u

because im a party pooper



To determine how transportation was standardized under the Qin dynasty, we can examine the options provided.

A) Roads were the same width - This is the correct answer. During the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, roads were constructed to have a standardized width, which facilitated trade and communication throughout the empire.

B) Carriages were the same height - This option does not relate to the standardization of transportation under the Qin dynasty.

C) Everyone paid the same road tax - While this may have contributed to the administration and maintenance of the road system, it does not directly address the standardization of transportation.

D) Axles of carriages were the same length - Although this might have been an aspect of transportation standardization, the option relating to standardized road width is more directly linked to the standardization efforts under the Qin.

Moving on to the question about Legalism:

A) Harsh laws are needed to keep order in society - This option best summarizes the philosophy of Legalism. Legalists believed that strict laws and harsh punishments were necessary to maintain social order and control.

B) Moral values are the key to social order - This option reflects Confucian beliefs rather than Legalism.

C) Citizens are capable of governing themselves - Legalism emphasizes strong central government control, so this option does not accurately reflect Legalist principles.

D) Educating people leads to a strong society - While education may play a role in Legalism, it is not the primary focus. The emphasis is on strict laws and punishments.

Regarding the purpose of the Great Wall:

A) To separate warring states - This option is not accurate. The Great Wall of China was constructed to protect China from invasions by nomadic tribes from the north.

B) To keep out nomads to the north - This is the correct answer. The primary purpose of the Great Wall was to act as a defensive barrier against the northern nomadic tribes, such as the Xiongnu.

C) To standardize Chinese roads - The Great Wall was not constructed to standardize roads within China.

D) To make trade and transportation easier - While the Great Wall had some impact on trade and transportation, its primary purpose was defensive rather than facilitation of commerce.

Lastly, let's discuss filial piety in Confucianism:

A) Because Confucianism believed it is the model for the four other relationships - This option is correct. Filial piety, which refers to the respect and devotion that children should show to their parents, is considered the foundation or "source of all virtues" in Confucianism. Confucius believed that if one can fulfill their filial duties properly, they can then extend those principles of respect and harmony to other relationships in society.

B) Because Confucius believed soldiers should be honored for their duty above the family - This option does not align with the concept of filial piety or its significance in Confucianism.

C) Because Confucius believed equality in relationships was the basis for the other four relationships - While equality is important in Confucian thought, it does not directly relate to the significance of filial piety as the "source of all virtues."

D) Because Confucius believed people should behave properly to avoid punishments - Although Confucianism advocates for proper behavior, the central emphasis on filial piety lies in the establishment of harmonious family relations rather than simply avoiding punishments.



(Of course, if you had numbered your questions, this would make more sense.)