Please help me come up with some ideas for this, need to find appeals to emotion and appeals to reason

In "All Together Now," Jordan uses Appeals to emotion and appeals to reason to try to persuade her readers that her views are important. In a paragraph, cite on example of each kind of appeal in her work. Then, explain whether you find Jordan's appeals convincing, supporting your ideas with logical reasons and relevant examples

Here are a couple of examples:

Appeal to reason:
"We have the legislation we need."

Appeal to emotion:
"If we don't think this is important, all we have to do is look at the situation in Bosnia today."


•She uses reasons, opinions, and emotions/feelings while writing her stories.
•Are they convincing or not to you?
• They are convincing- They are convincing because tolerance is learned at home and isn't something laws can do. Especially when you have parents/guardians who taught you to be respectful no matter your race, opinions, nor looks.
• They are not convincing- They are not convincing because, to me, race, opinions, and looks matter. You must be perfect and tolerance is something laws can do. (I would choose that they are convincing. My opinion)

My example-
Jordan uses opinions and emotion to persuade her readers that her views matter. She uses opinions because the stories are talking about what she thinks, not what everyone thinks because everyone thinks differently. She uses emotion when she wrote "What we need now is soul force—the efforts of people working on a small scale to build a truly tolerant, harmonious society. And parents can do a great deal to create that tolerant society". I believe that Jordan's appeals are convincing. I think that way because tolerance is more than likely to be found at home, and isn't something that laws are allowed to do. Tolerance is likely learned by parents/guardians who are respectful to others no matter their race, look, nor opinion(s).

I hope what I wrote gave you ideas of what to write. I found some help at I give partial credit to @stickserious from

Oh and here are the answers for the rest of the quiz:

1A. A
1B. B
2. C
3. I gave some help and example above.
4. C
5. B
6. B
7. A
8. C
9. I believe that since I gave help/answers on everything else, so perhaps you can do number 9 yourself. If not I'm sure you can find the answer somewhere on the internet!

I hope I gave you help! Have a great rest of your day! :)

Which appeals have you found so far?

She is trying to help her community I know is one

Thankyou Ms Sue!!!

Ms.Sue sucks