(5.1 times 10^3) times (3.2 times 10^3)

16.32 times 10 ^9
16.32 times 10^6

1.632 times 10^10
1.632 times 10^7

I think Its 1.632 times 10^10 but i don't know PLEASE CHECK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

you got the 1st part right

the numbers multiply ... the exponents add

so its 1.632 times 10^7 ?

so you multiply the decimals add the exponents move the decimal point? thats kind of like gibberish to me lol i suck at math

To multiply numbers expressed in scientific notation, you can multiply the coefficients (the numbers before the powers of 10) and add the exponents. Let's apply this to your question:

(5.1 x 10^3) x (3.2 x 10^3)

Firstly, multiply the coefficients 5.1 and 3.2, which gives you 16.32.

Next, add the exponents 10^3 and 10^3. When you multiply two numbers with the same base, you add the exponents. So, 10^3 + 10^3 = 10^(3+3) = 10^6.

Combining both results, you get 16.32 x 10^6.

Therefore, your answer should be 16.32 x 10^6, not 1.632 x 10^10.

I suggest this method

(5.1 times 10^3) times (3.2 times 10^3)
= (5.1)(10^3)(3.2)(10^3)
= (5.1)(3.2)(10^3)(10^3)
= (16.32)(10^6)
= (1.632)(10^1)(10^6) = 1.632 x 10^7

seems rather long-winded, but it is easy to understand