8- How did this person's actions affect Texas' history over the next four years?

I believe the person is John Reagan.
I have been reading through my history book for at least 3 hours today lololo and I dont know the answer. Help Please! :)

This is the Unit 5 Lesson 4 quiz btw

ahh nvm I think the person is Francis Lubbock

To determine how John Reagan's actions affected Texas' history over the next four years, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the historical context: Determine the specific time period when John Reagan was active in Texas' history. For example, if he was involved in politics in the mid-19th century, you would look at the years around that time.

2. Research John Reagan's actions: Use reliable sources such as history textbooks, academic articles, and reputable websites to gather information about John Reagan's actions during his time in Texas. Look for specific events or policies he was involved in, notable decisions he made, or any significant impact he had on the state.

3. Analyze the impact: Once you have identified John Reagan's actions, consider how they may have influenced Texas' history over the following four years. Look for direct consequences of his actions as well as potential long-term effects. Consider political, economic, social, or cultural ramifications that may have unfolded during that period.

4. Consult historical sources: Check primary and secondary sources that cover the time period following John Reagan's actions. Look into historical accounts, newspaper articles, or scholarly works that discuss the events and developments in Texas during that specific timeframe. These sources may provide insights into the effects of John Reagan's actions.

By going through these steps and gathering information from reliable sources, you should be able to understand how John Reagan's actions impacted Texas' history in the subsequent four years. Remember to critically evaluate the sources you use to ensure accurate and balanced information.