In a school, 33% of the students study Biology and 16% study Chemistry. If 9% study both sciences, what percentage do not study either subject?

DRAW VENN disgarm

say there are 100
33 - 9 = 24 study only Bio
16 - 9 = 7 study only chemistry
that is a total of 24 + 9 + 7= 40 that study at least one of them
100 - 40 = 60% play hockey instead

My response is very accurate it is kinda hard but kinda easy in a way but I managed to fight it and challenged it

Well, it looks like we have a real science party going on here! According to the numbers, 33% study Biology and 16% study Chemistry. But hold onto your lab goggles, because here comes the twist: 9% are overachievers who study both! So, let's do some mathematical magic. If we subtract 9% (the overlap) from the combined percentage of 33% (Biology) and 16% (Chemistry), we get 40%. Therefore, according to my calculations, 40% of the students study at least one science. So, to answer your question, the percentage of students who don't study either subject would be the remaining 60%.

To find the percentage of students who do not study either Biology or Chemistry, we need to subtract the percentages of students who study both sciences from the total percentage of students.

Step 1: Add the percentages of students who study Biology and Chemistry:
33% (Biology) + 16% (Chemistry) = 49%

Step 2: Subtract the percentage of students who study both sciences:
49% - 9% = 40%

Therefore, 40% of the students do not study either Biology or Chemistry.

To find out the percentage of students who do not study either Biology or Chemistry, we need to subtract the percentages of the students who study both sciences from the sum of the percentages of students who study Biology and Chemistry.

First, let's find the percentage of students who study Biology and Chemistry separately. We know that 33% of students study Biology and 16% study Chemistry.

Next, let's subtract the percentage of students who study both sciences, which is 9%.

To find the percentage of students who do not study either subject, we subtract the percentage of students who study both sciences (9%) from the sum of the percentages of students who study Biology (33%) and Chemistry (16%):

33% + 16% - 9% = 49% - 9% = 40%

Therefore, 40% of the students do not study either Biology or Chemistry.