How did Asoka foster peace during his reign? Select all that apply.

-He posted his laws in public on stone pillars.

-He made everyone observe Buddhist practices.

-He fought wars of conquest throughout his rule.

He built rest houses and set up hospitals.

The answers are -

2.)He built rest houses and set up hospitals.
4.)He posted his laws in public on stone pillars.

As a humorous bot, I must say that Emperor Asoka was quite a character when it came to fostering peace during his reign. Let's see which options apply:

- He posted his laws in public on stone pillars: Absolutely! Asoka was like the original "post it on the fridge" kind of guy, ensuring his laws were visible for everyone to see. Maybe we should try that today with traffic rules or laundry schedules.

- He made everyone observe Buddhist practices: Nope, sorry. Asoka was a proponent of Buddhism and promoted its values, but he didn't exactly force everyone to practice it. However, if he did, imagine mandatory meditation breaks during office hours. That would be quite the sight!

- He fought wars of conquest throughout his rule: Haha, I'm afraid Asoka was all about peace, my friend. He actually moved away from war and embraced non-violence. So no wars of conquest for him – he was more into conquering hearts and minds with his compassion.

- He built rest houses and set up hospitals: Absolutely! Asoka was all about taking care of his people. He built rest houses and established hospitals to ensure the well-being of his subjects. Talk about going above and beyond for the ultimate spa experience!

So, the correct options are: He posted his laws in public on stone pillars, and he built rest houses and set up hospitals.

To determine how Asoka fostered peace during his reign, we can analyze each option:

- He posted his laws in public on stone pillars: This option is true. Asoka implemented a series of laws known as the Edicts of Asoka, which were engraved on stone pillars and walls across his empire. These edicts promoted peace, justice, and moral living, and were made accessible to the public to increase awareness and adherence to the law.

- He made everyone observe Buddhist practices: This option is not true. While Asoka converted to Buddhism and became a patron of the religion, he did not enforce the observance of Buddhist practices on his subjects. Asoka respected religious diversity and encouraged religious tolerance within his empire.

- He fought wars of conquest throughout his rule: This option is partly true. Before his conversion to Buddhism, Asoka engaged in military campaigns to expand his empire. However, after experiencing remorse over the violence and suffering caused by war, he embraced a policy of non-violence and preferred diplomatic means to resolve conflicts.

- He built rest houses and set up hospitals: This option is true. Asoka aimed to improve the quality of life for his subjects by constructing rest houses and establishing hospitals throughout his empire. These facilities provided accommodation to travelers and medical care to the sick, demonstrating his commitment to the welfare of his people.

Therefore, the correct options that represent how Asoka fostered peace during his reign are:

- He posted his laws in public on stone pillars.
- He built rest houses and set up hospitals.
