Which of the following is an example of a biased statement about

A) Six percent of Texas' population is made up of
undocumented immigrants.
B) Immigrants are the main cause of crime in Texas.***
C) Texas has the third-highest Hispanic population in the
United States.
D) Undocumented immigrants contribute more than a billion
dollars to the Texas economy each year.
Please check my answer please!

You are right.


You're welcome.

Based on the options provided, Option B) "Immigrants are the main cause of crime in Texas" is an example of a biased statement about Texas.

To check the answer, we can evaluate the statement for bias by examining if it presents a one-sided or prejudiced perspective without considering other factors or alternative viewpoints. In this case, the statement unfairly generalizes immigrants as the main cause of crime in Texas without considering other possible factors contributing to crime rates. It is an example of a biased statement because it unfairly targets immigrants without providing a balanced view of the situation.

Therefore, your answer is correct, and Option B) is a biased statement about Texas.