An IRS auditor randomly selects 3 tax returns from 59 returns of which 11 contain errors. What is the probability that she selects none of those containing errors? Round to four decimal places.


A=no error
B=with error


To find the probability that the IRS auditor selects none of the tax returns containing errors, we first need to find the total number of ways she can select 3 tax returns from the pool of 59 returns. Next, we calculate the number of ways she can select 3 tax returns that do not contain errors. Finally, we divide the number of successful outcomes by the total number of possible outcomes to get the probability.

Step 1: Calculate the total number of ways to choose 3 tax returns from 59 returns:
This is represented by the binomial coefficient, often denoted as "n choose k" or "C(n, k)".
In this case, n = 59 (total number of tax returns) and k = 3 (number of tax returns to be selected).

Using the formula for binomial coefficients, we have:
C(59, 3) = 59! / (3! * (59 - 3)!)
= 59! / (3! * 56!)
= (59 * 58 * 57) / (3 * 2 * 1)
= 165,725

So, there are 165,725 ways to choose 3 tax returns from the pool of 59 returns.

Step 2: Calculate the number of ways to choose 3 tax returns that do not contain errors:
Out of 59 returns, there are 11 tax returns that contain errors. Hence, there are 59 - 11 = 48 tax returns that do not contain errors. We need to calculate the number of ways to choose 3 tax returns from these 48.

Using the same formula as in Step 1, we have:
C(48, 3) = 48! / (3! * (48 - 3)!)
= 48! / (3! * 45!)
= (48 * 47 * 46) / (3 * 2 * 1)
= 17,296

So, there are 17,296 ways to choose 3 tax returns that do not contain errors.

Step 3: Calculate the probability:
The probability of the auditor selecting none of the tax returns containing errors is the ratio of the successful outcomes (17,296) to the total possible outcomes (165,725).

Probability = Successful outcomes / Total outcomes
= 17,296 / 165,725
≈ 0.1044 (rounded to four decimal places)

Therefore, the probability that the IRS auditor selects none of the tax returns containing errors is approximately 0.1044.