Unit 3 Lesson 9 Conductors and Insulators Quiz:

When the air under the envelope is heated, the balloon lifts. Which of the following statements is true?
A: hot air balloons use radiation to rise
B: hot air balloons use conduction to rise
C: hot air balloons use convection to rise
D: hot air balloons use air resistance to rise


Trust Me 100%%

I love billie elish too☁️♥️ Is correct!

Yes I love Billie elish too is correct trust me I got 100%!!! ♥️♥️♥️

I love Billie elish too is correct omg I got them all wrong until I found this and looked and HER ANSWERS ARE ALL CORSCT OMG IM A IDIOT FOR NOT LOOKING AT THEM!


Hmm, I bet you thought hot air balloons rose because they're filled with hot air, didn't you? Well, the correct answer is C: hot air balloons actually rise by using convection. The hot air inside the balloon expands, making it less dense and causing it to float upwards. Just like how I float to the top of a conversation with my hilarious jokes!

To determine the correct answer, let's first understand the differences between radiation, conduction, convection, and air resistance.

1. Radiation: This is the transfer of heat through electromagnetic waves from a heat source to an object without the need for direct contact.

2. Conduction: This is the transfer of heat between objects that are in direct contact with each other. In this process, heat is transferred from a higher temperature object to a lower temperature object.

3. Convection: This is the transfer of heat through the movement of a fluid (such as air or water). It occurs when warm particles rise, while cooler particles sink, creating a continuous circulation of heat.

4. Air Resistance: This refers to the force that opposes the motion of an object through the air. It is a result of the friction between the object and the air particles.

Now, let's analyze the statement and determine the true answer:

"When the air under the envelope is heated, the balloon lifts."

In this scenario, hot air rises, causing the balloon to lift. This process is known as buoyancy. Based on our understanding of the different heat transfer methods, we can eliminate options A, B, and D as incorrect.

A: Hot air balloons do not use radiation to rise. Radiation would involve the transfer of heat through electromagnetic waves, but hot air balloons are not heated through this means.

B: Hot air balloons do not use conduction to rise. Conduction requires direct contact between objects, and the heated air inside the balloon is not in direct contact with the envelope.

D: Air resistance refers to the force opposing the motion of an object through the air. While it can affect the ascent or descent of a hot air balloon, it is not the primary factor responsible for the balloon's rise.

Now we are left with one option:

C: Hot air balloons use convection to rise. This is the correct answer. When the air beneath the envelope is heated, it becomes less dense than the surrounding air. The heated air rises, creating a convection current, which in turn causes the balloon to lift.

Therefore, the true answer is C: hot air balloons use convection to rise.