Which of the following is something groups must do in order to function effectively?

a.choose leaders
b.define boundaries
c.set goals
d.assign tasks
e.all of the above

I'll be glad to check your answer.

all of the above?

Yes, e.

The correct answer is option e: all of the above. In order for a group to function effectively, it must fulfill all of the mentioned tasks: choosing leaders, defining boundaries, setting goals, and assigning tasks. Let me explain each of these aspects in more detail:

a. Choose leaders: A group needs to select individuals who will take charge and provide guidance. Leaders help coordinate the efforts of group members, make decisions, and ensure that everyone is working towards the common goals.

b. Define boundaries: Establishing boundaries refers to defining the scope and limits of the group's activities. This includes determining the purpose, roles, and responsibilities of each member, as well as establishing rules and guidelines for behavior and interaction within the group.

c. Set goals: Without clear goals, a group may lack direction and purpose. Setting goals helps the group focus their efforts, prioritize tasks, and work towards a common objective. Well-defined goals provide a sense of purpose and motivation for individual members.

d. Assign tasks: Once the goals are set, tasks need to be assigned to specific members. Assigning tasks ensures that the workload is distributed evenly, and each member has a clear understanding of their responsibilities. It also helps in utilizing individual skills and expertise effectively within the group.

Group members must actively engage in these four activities to ensure effective functioning. Therefore, the correct answer is option e: all of the above.