Robin has 180 stickers. How many pages of 10 stickers does she need so that she will have 200 stickers in all?

she needs 20 stickers more.

That help?

She needs 2 pages of 10 stickers.


To find the number of pages of 10 stickers Robin needs to have a total of 200 stickers, we can divide the difference between her current number of stickers and the desired total number by the number of stickers per page.

First, let's calculate how many more stickers Robin needs to reach a total of 200 stickers:
Additional stickers needed = Total stickers desired - current number of stickers
Additional stickers needed = 200 - 180 = 20

Since each page has 10 stickers, we can find the number of pages needed by dividing the additional stickers needed by the number of stickers per page:
Number of pages needed = Additional stickers needed / Stickers per page
Number of pages needed = 20 / 10 = 2

Therefore, Robin needs 2 pages of 10 stickers each to have a total of 200 stickers.