Rank from highest to lowest acidity: V2O3, Ni2O3, MnO, ZnO, Cu2O

I feel like I've tried everything and I know there is a periodic trend to figure it out but I still get the wrong answer. An explanation would be super helpful!!

Lewis acids???? Rank them according to their tendency to accept a pair of electrons.

To determine the ranking of acidity for these compounds (V2O3, Ni2O3, MnO, ZnO, Cu2O), we need to consider their respective oxides. Acidity is related to the ability of a compound to donate protons (H+) when dissolved in water.

One way to determine the acidity is by looking at the oxidation state of the central metal/ion in each compound's oxide. Generally, higher oxidation states are associated with more acidic compounds, while lower oxidation states are associated with less acidic compounds.

Let's analyze each compound:

1. V2O3 - Vanadium(III) oxide: Vanadium has an oxidation state of +3 in this compound. Since +3 is a relatively high oxidation state, V2O3 is moderately acidic.

2. Ni2O3 - Nickel(III) oxide: Nickel also has an oxidation state of +3 in this compound, similar to V2O3. Therefore, Ni2O3 is also moderately acidic.

3. MnO - Manganese(II) oxide: Manganese has an oxidation state of +2 in this compound. Compared to the previous compounds, MnO has a lower oxidation state and is thus less acidic.

4. ZnO - Zinc(II) oxide: Zinc has an oxidation state of +2 in this compound, the same as MnO. Therefore, ZnO is also less acidic.

5. Cu2O - Copper(I) oxide: Copper has an oxidation state of +1 in this compound, the lowest oxidation state among the given compounds. Consequently, Cu2O is the least acidic of the five compounds.

Based on this analysis, we can rank the compounds in order of acidity from highest to lowest:

V2O3 > Ni2O3 > MnO > ZnO > Cu2O