Who wrote the letter from the Alamo? Describe the letter. What was he asking for in the letter? How many Mexican soldiers did he say were holding them under siege? Who was the leader of the Mexican troops and what did he demand?

Please help please


thank you Ms. sue

You're welcome.

that is really helpful thank you

To find out who wrote the letter from the Alamo, you can start by researching the historical events surrounding the Alamo and its defenders. The most famous letter from the Alamo is known as the "Victory or Death" letter, written by William Barret Travis.

The letter is a powerful plea for reinforcements and support from outside the Alamo during the Texas Revolution in 1836. It was addressed to the people of Texas and all Americans and was intended to rally support for their cause. In the letter, Travis describes the dire situation inside the Alamo and firmly states that he and his fellow defenders are prepared to fight to the death if necessary.

Travis requested immediate reinforcement of troops and supplies. He asked for 100 men to be sent to the Alamo to bolster their defense against the Mexican army. Travis expressed the urgency of the situation and made it clear that time was critical.

In the letter, Travis also mentioned the number of Mexican soldiers holding them under siege. He stated that there were approximately 1,500 Mexican soldiers led by General Santa Anna, who was the leader of the Mexican troops. Travis emphasized the overwhelming odds they faced by stating, "I call on you in the name of liberty, of patriotism & everything dear to the American character, to come to our aid, with all dispatch."

If you want a more in-depth understanding of the events surrounding the Alamo, there are various historical sources, books, and documentaries available that delve into the details of this significant event in American history.