This analogy compares researchers in pure and applied science.

applied science : tinkerers :: pure science : _[blank]_

Choose the answer that best completes the analogy.

a mechanics
b truth-seekers
c artists
d technicians

b. truth-seekers

To determine the answer to this question, we need to understand the analogy being presented. Analogies often compare two different relationships to find a similar pattern.

In this analogy, the relationship between applied science and tinkerers is being compared to the relationship between pure science and something else. To find the missing term, we need to find a word that represents the relationship between pure science and another group.

Applied science is often associated with tinkering because it involves using scientific principles and methods to solve practical problems and create useful applications. Similarly, pure science refers to the pursuit of knowledge and understanding for its own sake, without any specific applications in mind.

Therefore, the missing term should represent the individuals or group of people who engage in pure science, similar to how tinkerers are associated with applied science.

Among the given options, the best answer is b) truth-seekers. Pure scientists are often driven by a curiosity to uncover the truth about the natural world and further our understanding of the universe.

So, the completed analogy would be: applied science : tinkerers :: pure science : truth-seekers.