6g of metal M react with 23.66g of chlorine to form 29.66g of the metalic chloride. Find the empirical formula of the metalic chloride(M=27, Cl=35.5)

To find the empirical formula of the metallic chloride, we need to determine the ratio of atoms between the metal M and chlorine.

Step 1: Calculate the number of moles for each element:
- Moles of metal M = mass / molar mass
= 6g / 27 g/mol (given M = 27)
= 0.222 mol

- Moles of chlorine = mass / molar mass
= 23.66g / 35.5 g/mol (given Cl = 35.5)
= 0.668 mol

Step 2: Determine the simple whole number ratio by dividing the moles of each element by the smallest number of moles.
Mole ratio = 0.222 mol / 0.222 mol = 1
Mole ratio = 0.668 mol / 0.222 mol = 3

Step 3: Write the empirical formula using the mole ratios as subscripts.
Empirical formula of the metallic chloride = MCl3.

Therefore, the empirical formula of the metallic chloride is MCl3.

To determine the empirical formula of the metallic chloride, we need to find the ratio between the number of moles of metal (M) and chlorine (Cl).

First, we need to calculate the number of moles for each element using their respective molar masses:

Number of moles of M = mass of M / molar mass of M
= 6g / 27 g/mol
= 0.222 moles of M

Number of moles of Cl = mass of Cl / molar mass of Cl
= 23.66g / 35.5 g/mol
= 0.6663 moles of Cl

Next, we can determine the simplest ratio of the number of moles by dividing both values by the smallest number of moles (in this case, M):

Moles ratio: M : Cl ≈ 0.222 moles M : 0.6663 moles Cl
≈ 1 mole M : 3 moles Cl

Now, we can use this ratio as the subscripts in the empirical formula. However, we need to ensure they are whole numbers by multiplying both by a suitable factor:

Moles ratio (multiplied): M : Cl ≈ 1 mole M : 3 moles Cl
× 2 mole M : 6 moles Cl
≈ 2 moles M : 6 moles Cl

Finally, the empirical formula of the metallic chloride is obtained by converting the mole ratio into the simplest whole number ratio:

Empirical formula: M2Cl3

Therefore, the empirical formula of the metallic chloride is M2Cl3.

6/27 = 0.222

23.66/35.6 = 0.667
So the ratio is ??