1. A revolution in 1959 led to Cuba becoming

A. An independent nation.
B. A communist dictatorship ---
C. A territory of the united states
D.A constitutional democracy

2. Drag the accomplishments to the civilization. Accomplishments may be used more than once.

Maya -- used slash and burn agriculture.
Zapotec -- Developed the first systems of writing In the Americas
Olmec -- Developed the calendar -- developed the number 0

3. Select the boxes to indicate which statements about slaves in the Aztec empire are true and false.

A slave would remain a slave for life. - false

Slave children were born free. -true

A commoner could sell themselves into slavery. - true

Slaves had the same rights as commoners. -false

4. Which of the following describes how the Spanish colonization affected American Indians in Middle America?

A. Spanish colonizers introduced diseases to American Indians, resulting in a decrease in American Indian populations. ---

B. Spanish colonizers adopted American Indian religious beliefs, resulting in an increase of American Indian priests.

C. Spanish colonizers bought the land from American Indians, resulting in an increase of wealth for American Indians.

D.Spanish colonizers paid American Indians to work the land, resulting in a decrease in colonial plantations.

5. After Spanish colonists stopped using American Indians in the Caribbean for labor, they ___ to work the land.

A. Imported African slaves. ---
B. payed British sellers.
C. Forced french pioneers.
D. Used Spanish slaves

6. How were the Olmec able to support a civilization and cities?

A.by implementing heavy taxes to raise public funds for each community

B.by constructing residential dwellings for the growing populations in cities

C.by cultivating a surplus of food that could feed a large population

D.by developing a system of roadways to connect different communities ---

7. Which of the following laid the groundwork for the revolt that led to Mexico's independence from Spain?

A.the election of Juárez

B.the expansion of trade

C.the Mexican Cession ---

D.the conquest of Spain by Napoleon Bonaparte

8. How did the Mexico’s new constitution in 1917 aim to change Mexican life?

A.It gave more land to every citizen and lowered taxes.

B.It gave citizens strong representation in government.

C.It established a dictatorship with one strong ruler. ---

D.It gave more land to farmers and more rights to workers.

help! please give me the right answers and tell me why

1. A communist dictatorship

2. Maya- developed the numeral zero. Used slash and burn agriculture
Zapotec developed the first system of writing in the Americas
Olmec used slash and burn
3. False true true false
4 a
5 imported African slaves
6 C
7 D
8 D

1. A. An independent nation.

The revolution in 1959 led to Cuba gaining independence from colonial rule.

Maya -- developed the first systems of writing In the Americas
Zapotec -- used slash and burn agriculture.
Olmec -- developed the calendar and developed the number 0.

A slave would remain a slave for life. - False
While slavery existed in the Aztec empire, it was not necessarily a lifelong status. Slaves could be freed or earn their freedom under certain circumstances.

Slave children were born free. - True
Children born to slave parents were considered free and not automatically enslaved.

A commoner could sell themselves into slavery. - True
Commoners could voluntarily enter slavery for various reasons, such as financial difficulties or debt.

Slaves had the same rights as commoners. - False
Slaves did not have the same rights as commoners and were considered lower in social status.

4. A. Spanish colonizers introduced diseases to American Indians, resulting in a decrease in American Indian populations.
The arrival of Spanish colonizers introduced diseases like smallpox to which Native American populations had no immunity, resulting in a significant decrease in their numbers.

5. A. Imported African slaves.
After ceasing to use American Indians for labor in the Caribbean, Spanish colonizers began importing African slaves as a source of labor.

6. C. By cultivating a surplus of food that could feed a large population.
The Olmec civilization was able to support its cities by cultivating enough food to sustain a large population.

7. D. the conquest of Spain by Napoleon Bonaparte
The conquest of Spain by Napoleon Bonaparte weakened Spanish authority in Mexico, which laid the groundwork for the subsequent revolt and fight for Mexico's independence.

8. B. It gave citizens strong representation in government.
Mexico's new constitution in 1917 aimed to give citizens more representation in government and establish a more democratic system, rather than a dictatorship.

1. The correct answer is B. A communist dictatorship.

To determine the correct answer, we need to have some historical knowledge about the events that took place in Cuba in 1959. One way to find this information is by conducting a search online. The search term can be "Cuba revolution 1959." This will provide us with relevant search results and articles that discuss the Cuban revolution. By reading these sources, we can find that the revolution in 1959 led to the establishment of a communist regime under the leadership of Fidel Castro. As a result, Cuba became a communist dictatorship, choosing option B as the correct answer.

2. The correct matches are:

Maya - Used slash and burn agriculture.
Zapotec - Developed the first systems of writing in the Americas.
Olmec - Developed the calendar - developed the number 0.

To answer this question, we need to have some knowledge about the accomplishments of each civilization mentioned. We can search for information on each civilization individually using phrases like "Maya accomplishments," "Zapotec accomplishments," and "Olmec accomplishments." By researching the contributions of each civilization, we can find that the Maya utilized slash and burn agriculture, the Zapotec developed the first systems of writing in the Americas, and the Olmec developed the calendar and the concept of zero. Hence, the correct matches are as mentioned above.

3. The true statements about slaves in the Aztec empire are:

Slave children were born free.
A commoner could sell themselves into slavery.

To determine the correct answers, we need to have knowledge about the social structure of the Aztec empire. We can search for information about the Aztec empire's treatment of slaves, using phrases like "Aztec slavery." By reading reliable sources, such as historical articles or books, we can find that slave children were born free and that commoners could sell themselves into slavery for a variety of reasons. These statements are true. However, a slave would remain a slave for life, and slaves did not have the same rights as commoners. These statements are false. Therefore, the correct selections are as mentioned above.

4. The correct answer is A. Spanish colonizers introduced diseases to American Indians, resulting in a decrease in American Indian populations.

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the impact of Spanish colonization on American Indians in Middle America. We can research this topic using relevant search terms like "Spanish colonization impact on American Indians." By reading reliable sources, we can find that the arrival of the Spanish brought diseases such as smallpox, measles, and influenza to which the American Indians had no immunity, leading to a significant decrease in their populations. Therefore, option A is the correct answer.

5. The correct answer is A. Imported African slaves.

To determine the correct answer, we need to research the historical events and patterns of labor in the Spanish colonies in the Caribbean. A search term like "Spanish colonization labor in the Caribbean" can provide us with relevant information. By reading reliable sources, we can find that after the Spanish colonists stopped using American Indians for labor, they began importing African slaves to work the land. This was due to the high mortality rates among American Indians and the need to maintain the agriculture-based economy. Hence, option A is the correct answer.

6. The correct answer is C. By cultivating a surplus of food that could feed a large population.

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand how the Olmec civilization was able to sustain itself and support cities. Researching the characteristics and achievements of the Olmec civilization using search terms like "Olmec civilization" can provide the necessary information. By reading reliable sources, we can find that the Olmec were successful in cultivating a surplus of food, particularly maize, which allowed them to sustain a large population. This surplus facilitated the growth of cities and the development of their civilization. Therefore, option C is the correct answer.

7. The correct answer is D. The conquest of Spain by Napoleon Bonaparte.

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the events that led to Mexico's independence from Spain. Researching relevant historical events using search terms like "Mexico's independence from Spain" can provide us with the necessary information. By reading reliable sources, we can find that the groundwork for the revolt that led to Mexico's independence from Spain was laid by the conquest of Spain by Napoleon Bonaparte. This event weakened Spanish control over its colonies and ignited the struggle for independence in Mexico. Therefore, option D is the correct answer.

8. The correct answer is B. It gave citizens strong representation in government.

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the aims of Mexico's new constitution in 1917. Researching the goals and provisions of the constitution using search terms like "Mexico's constitution 1917" can provide us with the necessary information. By reading reliable sources, we can find that the main objective of Mexico's new constitution in 1917 was to establish a more democratic government that provided stronger representation for citizens. The constitution introduced various reforms, including labor rights, land distribution, and political reforms aimed at empowering the Mexican population. Therefore, option B is the correct answer.

1. B - yes

2, I don't know
3, - all are right
4. A - yes
7. C - yes
8, C - no
