1.Yin’s average call lasted 3.25 minutes. How much did an average call cost?

2.Yin’s cellphone plan costs $30 a month.she used 12.5 hours in May. What was her cost per minute?


4 cents and 13 cents because I have a big brain

Steve you need tfo work on yog magtgh

To find the cost of an average call in question 1, we need to know the cost per minute of Yin's cellphone plan. Without that information, we cannot calculate the exact cost of an average call.

Similarly, in question 2, we know Yin's cellphone plan costs $30 a month, but we don't have the information about the cost per minute in her plan. Therefore, we cannot calculate her cost per minute without that information.

To find the cost per minute, you would need to refer to the terms and conditions of Yin's cellphone plan or contact her service provider for the specific details. They should be able to provide you with the cost per minute. Once you have that information, you can multiply it by the duration of a call to calculate the cost for a specific call, or divide it by the number of minutes used to calculate the cost per minute, as required.

1. 13 cents

2. 4 cents a minute.

#1 who knows? No rate given

$30/12.5 hr * 1hr/60min = $0.04/min