in a good narrative essay the narrator makes a point?



In a good narrative essay, the narrator indeed makes a point. Narrative essays are written in the form of a story and aim to engage the reader by presenting a clear theme or message. The narrator typically takes the reader through a series of events, characters, and experiences to effectively convey their point.

To determine if a narrative essay has a clear point, you can follow these steps:

1. Read the essay carefully: Start by reading the narrative essay thoroughly, paying attention to the overall theme or message being conveyed.

2. Identify the main idea: Look for any recurring elements, conflicts, or lessons mentioned in the essay. In a well-written narrative essay, the point can often be found by analyzing these components.

3. Analyze the narrator's perspective: Consider the perspective from which the story is told. The narrator's experiences, thoughts, and feelings can provide insights into the point they are making.

4. Look for personal growth or change: A good narrative essay often involves personal growth or transformation. Pay attention to any changes or development experienced by the narrator throughout the essay, as these can contribute to the overall point being made.

By carefully analyzing the narrative essay through these steps, you can determine if the narrator effectively makes a point or conveys a clear message.