d-21.4=87.9 How could I get this answer?

Ms. Sue passed away back in 2019 sadly, may she fly high.

What does d equal?

MS sue I have been wondering r u a actual teacher or no because u seem very smart but you talk like a kid

lol @Hey just asking this was 2 years ago I don't think she will answer but I think she is not a great teacher

as usual, just add 21.4 to both sides to get d.

Yes, 109.3


like this 87.9+21.4?

Well Ms. Sue d= 109.3

Okay So here is what I did!

I add it together
There you will get the answer
Then to check it you Do 109.3-21.4 =87.9

Oh okay Thanks, Mr. Steve!

thanks guys!!<3

god yes

What is y=2

Nobody cares about what you think hi five your a get a brain the world isn't around you, Karen if your a male well male Karen