The scale on a map is 1 inch equals 5 feet . What is the distance between two points on the map that are 8.5 inches apart on the map?

since each inch is 5 feet, that would make it

8.5 * 5 = 42.5 feet

To find the distance between two points on a map given a scale, you can use the ratio between the map and the actual distance. In this case, the scale on the map is 1 inch equals 5 feet, which means that 1 inch on the map represents 5 feet in real life.

So, to find the distance between two points on the map that are 8.5 inches apart, we can set up a proportion:

1 inch on the map represents 5 feet in real life
8.5 inches on the map represents x feet in real life

Now we can solve for x using cross multiplication:

1 inch * x feet = 8.5 inches * 5 feet

x feet = 42.5 feet

Therefore, the distance between the two points on the map that are 8.5 inches apart is 42.5 feet in real life.