Which experimental approach would be the most effective and easiest to clearly determine the evolutionary relationship between these two organisms?

An image of an orange sea star is shown. A photo shows a bright green snake wrapped around a branch.
A. Sequence the same gene in both species to compare their similarity.
B. Dissect specimens of both species to look for homologous structures.
C. Search fossil databases to locate a common ancestor.
D. Evaluate cells from both species to determine whether they contain enzymes.

To determine the evolutionary relationship between two organisms, the most effective and easiest experimental approach would be to sequence the same gene in both species to compare their similarity. This approach is known as molecular phylogenetics and uses DNA sequencing to analyze the genetic similarities and differences between organisms. By comparing the DNA sequences of the same gene in the orange sea star and the green snake, you can determine how closely related they are. The closer their DNA sequences are, the more recent their common ancestor would be.

To perform this experiment, you would need to obtain DNA samples from both organisms and sequence a specific gene that is known to be highly conserved across different species. This gene is often used in evolutionary studies because it allows for meaningful comparisons between diverse organisms. There are several techniques for DNA sequencing, such as Sanger sequencing or next-generation sequencing, which you could use based on the specific requirements of your experiment.

Once you have sequenced the gene in both species, you can then compare the resulting DNA sequences. You could use various bioinformatics tools and algorithms to analyze the sequences, align them, and determine their similarities and differences. The more similar the sequences are, the closer the evolutionary relationship between the two organisms.

Therefore, option A, "Sequence the same gene in both species to compare their similarity," would be the most effective and easiest approach to clearly determine the evolutionary relationship between the orange sea star and the green snake.