Simplify 9asquare_ msquare divided by msquare _2am_3asquare

could you possibly write that more clearly I honsetly cant really figure out what to do


=(3a-m)(3a+m) / (m-3a)/(m+a)
= - (3a+m)/(a+m)

To simplify the expression (9a^2 - m^2) / (m^2 - 2am - 3a^2), we can factor both the numerator and the denominator, look for common factors, and cancel them out if possible.

First, let's factor the numerator and denominator:

Numerator (9a^2 - m^2) can be written as (3a - m)(3a + m).
Denominator (m^2 - 2am - 3a^2) can be written as (m - 3a)(m + a).

Now, rewrite the expression with the factored forms:

[(3a - m)(3a + m)] / [(m - 3a)(m + a)]

Next, look for any common factors between the numerator and the denominator:

In this case, we can see that both (3a - m) and (m - 3a) are common factors in the numerator and the denominator. We can cancel them out:

[(3a - m)(3a + m)] / [(m - 3a)(m + a)]
= [(3a + m)] / [(m + a)]

Therefore, the simplified expression is (3a + m) / (m + a).