Which question should you ask during your first read of the multi draft reading process.

A. What is the authors purpose in writing with piece

B. How has this work increased my knowledge of a subject issues or event

C. What evidence does the author presents to explain or support the central idea

D. What is the authors point of view or opinion *******


Who is Mrs. Sue?

Jiskha has no tutor with that name.

Its "Ms. Sue" LOL Ms. Sue


A is the better answer.

During the first read of the multi-draft reading process, it is important to establish a general understanding of the text. While all the options listed can be useful questions to ask during subsequent readings, the most suitable question to ask during the first read would be:

C. What evidence does the author present to explain or support the central idea?

Asking this question allows you to focus on identifying the main points and supporting evidence that the author uses to convey their message. It helps you understand the author's reasoning and argumentation, which is key to comprehending the central idea of the text. By analyzing the evidence presented, you can begin to form an initial understanding of the author's perspective and purpose in writing the piece.

this was no help. go away Ms. Sue, your just in the way.