-6w < 84

W > 14
W < -14
W > -14
W < 14

5m > 45
m < 9
m < 9
m > -9
m < -9

n/-3 grater than or equal to 4

n ≤ 12
n ≥ -12
n ≤ -12
n ≤ 12

answers anyone?

Solve just like equations. Just keep the inequality sign instead. I'll do one. You try the others and show us what you get.

-6w < 84
divide by -6 to get
w > -14
The reason you change direction is that multiplication/division by a negative value is just a short way of moving things to the other side:
-6w < 84
-6w+6w < 84+6w
0 < 84+6w
-84 < 6w
-14 < w

is it A and C?

For the first inequality, -6w < 84, we need to divide both sides of the inequality by -6. However, since we are dividing by a negative number, the direction of the inequality sign will be reversed.

Dividing both sides by -6, we have:

w > -14

So, the correct answer is W > -14.

For the second inequality, 5m > 45, we need to divide both sides of the inequality by 5.

Dividing both sides by 5, we have:

m > 9

So, the correct answer is m > 9.

For the third inequality, n/-3 ≥ 4, we need to multiply both sides of the inequality by -3. However, since we are multiplying by a negative number, the direction of the inequality sign will be reversed.

Multiplying both sides by -3, we have:

n ≤ -12

So, the correct answer is n ≤ -12.

So, the correct answers are:

W > -14
m > 9
n ≤ -12

Sure! I can help you with that.

For the first inequality, -6w < 84, we can solve it as follows:

1. Divide both sides of the inequality by -6. Remember, when dividing by a negative number, it reverses the inequality sign.
(-6w)/(-6) > 84/(-6)
w > -14

So, the correct answer is W > -14.

For the second inequality, 5m > 45, we can solve it as follows:

1. Divide both sides of the inequality by 5.
(5m)/5 > 45/5
m > 9

So, the correct answer is m > 9.

For the third inequality, n/-3 >= 4, we can solve it as follows:

1. Multiply both sides of the inequality by -3. Remember, when multiplying (or dividing) by a negative number, it reverses the inequality sign.
(-3)(n/-3) <= (4)(-3)
n <= -12

So, the correct answer is n ≤ -12.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.