Define and describe the characteristics of Neanderthals and Homo sapiens.


Oh Thanks Ms. Sue

You're welcome.

No worries! I'll be happy to help you out with that. Neanderthals and Homo sapiens are two distinct species of extinct and modern humans, respectively. Let's break down the characteristics of each:

1. Neanderthals:
- Physical Appearance: Neanderthals had a stocky and muscular build, adapted to their cold and harsh environments. They had strong brow ridges, large noses, and receding chins.
- Brain size: Neanderthals had slightly larger brains than Homo sapiens, with an average cranial capacity of around 1,450 cc.
- Tools and Technology: Neanderthals were skilled toolmakers, utilizing stone tools for hunting and gathering. They also used fire, made clothing, and constructed shelters.
- Behavior: They were likely social creatures, living in small groups and engaging in cooperative hunting. Some evidence suggests they had symbolic behavior and exhibited care for their injured or elderly.
- Geographic Range: Neanderthals inhabited regions of Europe and parts of western Asia before becoming extinct around 40,000 years ago.

2. Homo sapiens:
- Physical Appearance: Modern humans have a more gracile body structure with a vertical forehead, small brow ridges, a prominent chin, and relatively lighter skeletal features.
- Brain size: Homo sapiens have an average cranial capacity of about 1,370 cc, slightly smaller than Neanderthals.
- Tools and Technology: Our species developed more advanced tools, including refined stone tools and eventually technologies like agriculture, pottery, and metallurgy.
- Behavior: Homo sapiens developed complex social structures, language, and culture. They created symbolic art, engaged in trade, and eventually built civilizations.
- Geographic Range: Homo sapiens originated in Africa and gradually spread across the globe, eventually leading to the extinction of the Neanderthals.

To find more detailed information about Neanderthals and Homo sapiens, you can consult numerous resources like scientific journals, anthropology books, or reputable online sources dedicated to human evolution and archaeology.