Which of the following materials conducts heat well?

A. glass
B. plastic
C. metal
D. wood

I think it is wood.....?

It is metal because it wont start a fire

you ever get your hand frozen to a piece of metal?


why do you think cooking pans are made of metal?


To determine which material conducts heat well, you can consider the properties of each material. The level of conductivity for heat is often associated with the atomic or molecular structure of a material.

In this case, let's evaluate each option:

A. Glass: Glass is actually a poor conductor of heat. It is an insulator and does not allow heat to pass through easily.

B. Plastic: Like glass, plastic is also a poor conductor of heat. Most plastics have low thermal conductivity and can act as insulators.

C. Metal: Metals, such as copper, aluminum, and iron, are known for their high thermal conductivity. They allow heat to pass through easily and are excellent conductors.

D. Wood: Wood is generally considered a poor conductor of heat. It has low thermal conductivity compared to metals but is better at conducting heat compared to glass and plastic.

Based on this information, the material that conducts heat well among the given options is C. Metal. Metals have high thermal conductivity and are capable of transferring heat efficiently.

So, the correct answer is C. Metal.